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Assistenza clienti Attenzione! Gli ad blocker potrebbero interferire con la chat di assistenza clienti. Assicurati che il tuo ad blocker sia disattivato.Delta Danneggiato (L1)
- Categoria: Giochi da Tavolo › Gestionali
- Editore: Cranio Creations
- Riferimento: 24698
- Età: 12
- Durata: 90-120
- Lingua: Italiano
- Dipendenza Lingua: Indipendente
- Giocatori: 2-4
- Misure imballo: 28cm X 7cm X 28cm
Altre caratteristiche di Delta Danneggiato (L1)
- Illustratore: Nastya Lehn
- Categoria: Esplorazione, Avventura, Animali
- Meccanica: Contratti, Movimento su Aree, Asta: Ordine di Turno fino al Passo, Gestione della Mano
- Famiglia: Gioco da Tavolo
- Promo: No
- Espansione: No
- Categoria Principale: Giochi da Tavolo
- Bundle: No
- Fascia Sconto: 0-25
Descrizione dettagliata di Delta Danneggiato (L1)
As you know it’s been over 150 years since the inventor of the Perpetual Steam Engine (or PSE), Louise Delargue, wrote her last diary entry before her disappearance. That someone could create an invention to seemingly power cities and other technologies forever, without publishing any findings, remains the biggest scientific folly in the era of PSE. We took the crystals for granted. The supply seemed endless and their energy seemed unending, but we underestimated the growth of populations and the greed for crystal power. As PSE’s across the world try to keep up with the demand, the crystals are breaking. In Delta, players set out on an adventure through the Delta region of Kamargo, to try and gather more information about the crystals that power up the PSEs. as players observe the mechanimals such as the tortoise, flamingo, horses, and bulls. Send your crew to the different sections of the board to try and maximize your actions, and later on add new crew members to your team and even set out on special missions. Manage your hand well, gather enough knowledge, and emerge as the victor in this exciting steampunk adventure. —description from the publisher
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