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- Categoria: Giochi da Tavolo › Guerra e Tattica
- Editore: Pegasus Spiele
- Riferimento: 27779
- Età: 14
- Durata: 90-120
- Lingua: Italiano
- Dipendenza Lingua: Indipendente
- Giocatori: 2-5
- Complessità: 3. Medio
- Dimensioni (approx.): 30cm X 7cm X 30cm
Altre caratteristiche di A Battle Through History
- Illustratore: Peter Sallai, Sebastian Łydżba, Alan D'Amico, Mirco Pierfederici
- Categoria: Guerra, Combattimento, Fantasy, Carte, Sci-Fi
- Meccanica: Collezione Set, Deck / Bag - Building, Lancio di Dadi
- Famiglia: Guerra, Gioco da Tavolo, Tematico
- Promo: No
- Espansione: No
- Categoria Principale: Giochi da Tavolo
- Bundle: No
Descrizione dettagliata di A Battle Through History
In A Battle Through History, each player wears the clothes of a time-traveling storyteller whose journey through historical eras enables them to relive epic battles alongside legendary troops and heroes. During a game, players play era tiles into the "Gear of History" to customize their deck of cards and move their character in space and time in order to fight and recruit troops from different historical battles or challenge opponents in player vs. player combat. As you build an army made of soldiers from different ages, you use it to collect relics from different places and times. Whoever collects the greatest units and the bravest heroes, leads them to victory, and gathers relics during their travels wins the game. A Battle Through History, designed and published by Scribabs and released worldwide by Pegasus Spiele, is the official Sabaton board game, featuring a unique "gear and rack" action system, fight-based deck-building, 60 different historical troops, and eight famous heroes from different eras.
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