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- Categoria: Giochi da Tavolo › Avventura
- Editore: Pigeon Games
- Riferimento: 29829
- Età: 12
- Durata: 45-90
- Lingua: Inglese
- Giocatori: 2-5
- Complessità: 3. Medio
- Dimensioni (approx.): 30cm X 8cm X 30cm
Altre caratteristiche di Broken Planet
- Illustratore: Lenny Duwyn, Robin Vandormael, Ben Michielsen
- Categoria: Fantasy
- Meccanica: Suddivisione in Ruoli, Azione / Evento, Memoria, Movimento su Aree, Scommesse e bluff, Movimento Segreto, Deduzione, Plancia Modulare, Azioni Simultanee
- Famiglia: Gioco da Tavolo
- Promo: No
- Espansione: No
- Categoria Principale: Giochi da Tavolo
- Bundle: No
Descrizione dettagliata di Broken Planet
The Broken Planet is on the verge of destruction and the only force holding the planet together is the will of the Gods. The planet cannot give enough resources to sustain all living tribes. So the tribes will enter a trial to decide who will become the favored tribe. So, the goal of the game is to gain as much Godly favor as possible. Players are scavenging tribes that collect powerful gemstones during their turn on the floating islands of the Broken Planet. A player's standard turn consists of movement and gemstone collection. Movement is performed by secretly choosing an island number on the game board with your compass and then keeping it hidden until all other tribes have chosen a location. Afterwards, everybody reveals their location and performs the movement at the same time. Tribes will find different temples on the islands, each displaying the gemstone type that can be collected there. After adding the collected gems to their hand, a new turn starts and players repeat these steps. Each round, one tribe will enter the 'Offer Phase' and may discard gemstones cards for special actions. These actions include building temples for unique effects, creating relics to gain Godly favor, or attacking other players with a divine strike. Each of these actions can gain favor in their own respective way. The offering player cannot move nor collect, but all other tribes can! The offering role is passed down clockwise each turn. The amount of discarded gemstones depends on the costs of the Offer Phase actions. All players play simultaneously! So it's key to see what gemstones other players need for their actions, and what gems they already have in order to predict their next moves. The game ends after X turns depending on the amount of players. When the last round has been played, each player counts their favor. The player with the most favor wins the game.
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