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Chili Mafia
- Categoria: Giochi da Tavolo › Party
- Editore: Lemery Games
- Riferimento: 29919
- Età: 10
- Durata: 20-40
- Lingua: Inglese
- Dipendenza Lingua: Scarsa
- Giocatori: 2-8
- Complessità: 2. Semplice
- Dimensioni (approx.): 22cm X 6cm X 13cm
Altre caratteristiche di Chili Mafia
- Illustratore: Ivett Perlaky
- Categoria: Mafia, Party
- Meccanica: Collezione Set, Gioco a Squadre, Interazione Diretta
- Famiglia: Gioco da Tavolo
- Promo: No
- Espansione: No
- Categoria Principale: Giochi da Tavolo
- Bundle: No
Descrizione dettagliata di Chili Mafia
Chili Mafia is a set-collection party card game for 2-8 players. Compete to assemble the most powerful Chili Pepper Gangs (sets of cards) and become the most respected mafia boss. To win, score the most points at the end of the game. [CLASSIFIED INFORMATION] Things are heating up in the world. Chili peppers are splitting into factions, leading to organized crime and unrest. The Chili Mafia reigns supreme. The Ministry of International Chili Security has hired you—a group of agents—to work undercover and round up the most wanted chili pepper mafiosi from around the globe. Your goal is to bring them to Mexico for a peace summit. LATER, IN MEXICO... As you arrive in the Chihuahuan desert, the spicy criminals jump out of your luggage. It’s obvious they have no interest in peace. Instead, they want a showdown. You and your fellow agents have no choice but to seize control of the Chili Mafia. But to gain their respect, you must fight amongst yourselves to determine who will be the most powerful mafia boss. Once you control the peppers, what will you do next? HOW DOES THE GAME WORK? 1. Each player receives 6 cards, which is followed by drafting. 2. The player who most recently ate a chili pepper goes first. 3. During your turn, you may do ANY of the following, without a limit and in any order: ♦ Form a Chili Gang (play 3 or more Chili Peppers onto the table) ♦ Add to a Chili Gang ♦ Play a Hot card ♦ Play an Action card OR ♦ Pass (in this case discard 1 card) 4. Draw 2 cards at the end of your turn. 5. Continue gameplay clockwise. END OF THE GAME & SCORING When a player draws the last card from the draw pile, they may complete their turn. Then every player (including the one that drew the last card) may take 1 more turn. After the last round, players calculate their scores. 1. If you have cards in your hand that you did not use, discard them. 2. Discard any incomplete Chili Gangs. 3. For each Mixed Gang, add up the strengths of its Chili Peppers. 4. For each Brotherhood Gang, add up the strengths of its Chili Peppers, then multiply by 2. The player with the most points earns the respect of the Chili Mafia and therefore wins the game. ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND In Chili Mafia, you will find existing Chili Peppers from around the world that are the main characters of the game. Just to mention a few, such well-known Chilies as the Jalapeño, the Tabasco or the Carolina Reaper clash with each other. To reflect hierarchy, each pepper carries points that are in proportion to the respective Chili Pepper's strength on the Scoville scale. Moreover, the game includes various action and attack cards (inspired by Mafia jargon) that will not necessarily serve your interest.. -description from publisher
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