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A Song of Ice and Fire - Stark Attachments 1
- Espansione di: A Song of Ice and Fire - Starter Set - Stark vs Lannister
- Categoria: Giochi da Tavolo › Miniature
- Editore: Cool Mini Or Not
- Riferimento: 29977
- Età: 14
- Durata: 45-60
- Lingua: Inglese
- Dipendenza Lingua: Elevata
- Giocatori: 2
- Complessità: 0. Informazione mancante
- Dimensioni (approx.): 23cm X 7cm X 16cm
Altre caratteristiche di A Song of Ice and Fire - Stark Attachments 1
- Categoria: Guerra, Miniature, Fantasy, Espansione
- Meccanica: Piazzamento Lavoratori, Lancio di Dadi, Misura del Movimento, Gestione della Mano
- Famiglia: Gioco da Tavolo
- Promo: No
- Espansione: Sì
- Categoria Principale: Giochi da Tavolo
- Bundle: No
Descrizione dettagliata di A Song of Ice and Fire - Stark Attachments 1
A Song of Ice and Fire - Starter Set - Stark vs Lannister per essere giocato!
Attenzione: "A Song of Ice and Fire - Stark Attachments 1" è una espansione e necessita di una copia diLa descrizione in italiano di A Song of Ice and Fire - Stark Attachments 1 sarà aggiornata non appena possibile. Nel frattempo ti riportiamo quella in inglese.
House Stark is known for extolling integrity, justice, and loyalty. Those that flock to the Direwolf’s Banner feel that what they are fighting for is right. This feeling is instilled in the officers that are in charge of the units within the Stark army. House Stark might not have the deepest coffers, but what they lack in raw materials they make up for in determination.
The Stark Unit Attachments box set gives House Stark players in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game 11 new Unit Attachments that they can use to customize their forces. They can enhance their troops with the likes of Sworn Sword Captain, Umber Champion, Crannogman Warden, and more. Each one will allow Stark players to build an army that fits exactly the type of battle they want to fight.
11 Miniatures
‣ 2 Sworn Sword Captains
‣ 2 Umber Champions
‣ 2 Crannogman Wardens
‣ 2 Mormont Veterans
‣ 2 Crannogman Survivalists
‣ 1 Winterfell Guardian
11 Attachment Cards
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