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- Categoria: Giochi da Tavolo › Due Giocatori
- Editore: IELLO
- Riferimento: 31027
- Età: 10
- Durata: 30-45
- Lingua: Inglese
- Giocatori: 2
- Complessità: 3. Medio
- Dimensioni (approx.): 21cm X 5cm X 21cm
Altre caratteristiche di Hellton Palace
- Illustratore: Lorenzo Colangeli
- Categoria: Humor, Fantasy, Mitologia, Corsa
- Meccanica: Corse, Open Drafting, Fine Improvvisa, Preparazione Variabile
- Famiglia: Gioco da Tavolo
- Promo: No
- Espansione: No
- Categoria Principale: Giochi da Tavolo
- Bundle: No
Descrizione dettagliata di Hellton Palace
Somewhere, deep in the underworld, not far from the Styx and Elysian Fields, bellhops are preparing themselves to knock on their guest's doors. And YES : they ARE scared. In Hellton Palace, both players are managing a hotel, hiring bellhops to address their guest needs. But in the end, they know the place is going to collapse at some point... Try to outlast your opponent! An unsatisfied customer would penalize your reputation, but a too enthusiastic legendary creature or god can literally break the pillars supporting the building! Twist your habit by having a new goal: Losing last! On your turn: 1) Welcome a guest in one of the available rooms in the matching row. 2) Dismiss your bellhops by flipping their tile to their "break" side. 3) Hire new ones by paying the cost with your hard-earned money. 4) Move your Bellhop pawn from room #1 to #9. When they reach an empty room, ignore it and move on to the next one. When they reach an occupied room, choose whether to serve the Guest or not. Serving a Guest removes their irritation token and makes them satisfied, which allows you to apply the effects on their door hanger If you decide not to serve the Guest, place an Irritation token on them except if they have one already. In this case, remove it with a Bell token. In this case, remove all irritation token and lose one bell token. 5) Choose between collecting coins (of all satisfied guests/all guests without irritation token) OR gaining a Bell token back. There are two ways of ending the game: A player has no bell token left A player has a column with no pillar token left —description from the publisher
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