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- Categoria: Giochi da Tavolo › Carte
- Editore: Pegasus Spiele
- Riferimento: 31029
- Età: 10
- Durata: 30-45
- Lingua: Inglese
- Dipendenza Lingua: Moderata
- Giocatori: 3-6
- Misure imballo: 13cm X 4cm X 18cm
Altre caratteristiche di Black Hole Buccaneers
- Illustratore: Bartłomiej Kordowski
- Categoria: Carte, Sci-Fi
- Meccanica: Closed Drafting, Gestione della Mano, Azioni Simultanee, Collezione Set
- Famiglia: Gioco da Tavolo
- Promo: No
- Espansione: No
- Categoria Principale: Giochi da Tavolo
- Bundle: No
Descrizione dettagliata di Black Hole Buccaneers
Great adventure, fame, and untold riches — all this is waiting for the Black Hole Buccaneers. In the game, the players' task is to collect ancient collectibles from the orbit of black holes, objects dumped there hundreds of years ago as mankind's chosen place for the final disposal of garbage. Among the 99 cards in the game are artifacts and relics that have powerful effects, as well as toys that are not particularly valuable in the year 2642, but that are in great demand by other species. In exchange, these species offer their help in escaping the black holes into which players will be drawn when the collected space debris exceeds their threshold for release. The player who best manages to master the dangers of outer space after three rounds of the drafting game and collects the most valuable items will win. Black Hole Buccaneers is a fast-playing drafting game which not only offers new situations and a lot of interaction with other players, but also difficult decisions due to various card effects. In each round, everyone at the table plays one card and passes the remaining cards to their neighbor. Whoever can escape the black hole in the scoring phase of a round gets to score their collected items and thus comes a little closer to victory. -description from publisher
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