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- Categoria: Giochi da Tavolo › Gestionali
- Editore: Asmodee
- Riferimento: 31290
- Età: 10
- Durata: 45-90
- Lingua: Tedesco
- Dipendenza Lingua: Indipendente
- Giocatori: 1-4
- Complessità: 3. Medio
- Dimensioni (approx.): 30cm X 7cm X 30cm
Altre caratteristiche di Settlement
- Illustratore: M81 Studio, Kryvonos Dmitriy
- Categoria: Civilizzazione, Terraformazione, Costruzione Città, Medievale, Esplorazione, Fantasy
- Meccanica: Solitario, Ordine di Turno: Primo che Passa, Piazzamento Tessere, Bonus di fine partita, Collezione Set
- Famiglia: Gioco da Tavolo
- Promo: No
- Espansione: No
- Categoria Principale: Giochi da Tavolo
- Bundle: No
Descrizione dettagliata di Settlement
You are the leader of settlers who have discovered new lands. Using powerful artifacts, you will explore terrains, hunt monsters, construct buildings, and create outposts. Collect diamonds and gold and welcome mighty heroes to make your settlement the most famous one! In more detail, in Settlement you need to effectively manage settlers and resources. The goal of the game is to score as many victory points as possible by the end of the last round. Each round, players take turns in clockwise order, beginning with the starting player. On your turn, you can invite a hero or use one of your settlers to take one of these seven actions: 1. Construct a building 2. Explore a terrain 3. Hunt a monster 4. Build an outpost 5. Activate a region 6. Activate a street 7. Activate an outpost On your turn, if you have the required resources, you may spend them to invite a hero in your settlement. Heroes are useful because they bring you victory points. Sometimes, a hero's score depends on your buildings, terrains, or outposts; some heroes also provide you with extra settlers. You may pass immediately after playing your turn if you're ready to end the current round. If you cannot do anything on your turn, then you must pass. Take a new artifact among the available ones, then return your previous artifact. Once all players have passed, the round ends. At the end of the sixth round, the game ends, and you sum points from your hero cards and buildings. The player with the most victory points wins, and their settlement becomes the main outpost of the land! —description from designer
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