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- Categoria: Giochi da Tavolo › Gestionali
- Riferimento: 31291
- Età: 10
- Durata: 45
- Lingua: Inglese
- Dipendenza Lingua: Indipendente
- Giocatori: 2-5
- Complessità: 3. Medio
- Dimensioni (approx.): 0cm X 0cm X 0cm
Altre caratteristiche di Rauha
- Illustratore: O'lee
- Categoria: Ambiente
- Meccanica: Asimmetria tra Giocatori, Azioni Simultanee, Sovrapposizione, Creazione Schemi, Ordine di Turno: Basato su Statistica, Griglia Quadrata
- Famiglia: Gioco da Tavolo
- Promo: No
- Espansione: No
- Categoria Principale: Giochi da Tavolo
- Bundle: No
Descrizione dettagliata di Rauha
After millennia of sterility, life has sprung again on Rauha. As a venerable Shaman, one of its five worlds has been entrusted to you. Your powers are divine and allow you to shape the environment in order to turn this world into a cradle of life energy, keeper of serenity and harmony for the centuries to come. Obtain the most victory points, represented as Life Energy, to win the game. You have 2 Ages to turn your world into an energetic core of Rauha. In Age 1, vegetation, terrain, and wildlife will appear. In Age 2, civilizations will thrive. The game takes place over 4 rounds, each divided into 3 turns followed by a scoring phase. Each turn, you will follow 5 steps: 1. Simultaneously take all Biome cards from the satellite whose symbol matches the one beneath your Avatar on your Player board (moon or star). 2. Choose one card to place on any square of your Player board or discard to the Black Hole. 3. Receive a Divine Entity if you create a row or column of matching symbols on your Player board. 4. Activate your Avatar, plus any Divine Entities in the same row or column as your Avatar. 5. Finally move your Avatar one notch clockwise along the edge of your Player board, changing the row or column that will be activated on the next turn. During the Scoring Phase, you will activate all your Biomes with Spore tokens and any Divine Entities you may have, gaining crystals and points as shown on the components. -description from publisher
Attenzione! Immagini, componenti e colorazioni di Rauha potrebbero differire nel prodotto finale a causa di riedizioni, modifiche o integrazioni del prodotto. Se desideri ricevere maggiori informazioni su Rauha puoi contattarci facendo click sulla chat in basso a destra oppure leggendo le recensioni dei clienti su Rauha qui sotto.
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